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Company "MoldCasa", represents a fine choice

of the elite inhabited and commercial real estate,

offering the services at fulfilment of transactions of rent,

sale and purchase in the city of Kishinev.

We have honour to cooperate both with corporate, and with individual clients, representing interests as selleres or buyers, and house owners.

We are sincerely convinced that result of the transaction

is the degree of satisfaction of the client,

that is for us constant stimulus for increase of standards of our work.

We personally select and we examine all the objects presented by us,

and are ready to render you any help in carrying out of transactions

with the elite real estate depending on your requirements and expectations.

MoldCasa este o firma noua cu perspective foarte mari, In decursul lucrului s-a acumulat o baza de date foarte mare pentru lucru cu succes in Republica Moldova si peste hotarele ei. Ea a reusit in acest timp sa lase impresii placute atit populatiei autohtone cit si oaspetilor tarii noastre.

Colaboratorii acestei firmi au o experienta foarte mare de lucru din cauza ca au lucrat in firme analoage. in prezent acesti oameni si-au unit fortele pentru a crea o firma ce in viitorul apropiat va fi o firma notorie care va ridica economia R.M. si promite sa faca tot posibilul pentru ca stimatii nostri clienti sa ramina satisfacuti de serviciile noastre.

Genurile de activitate ale firmei noastre sunt: Arenda Imobilului, Cumpararea-Vinzarea Apartamentelor, Turism, Ecoturism.

Locul de resedinta: Chisinau, hotelul "Turist", of. 622, et. 6.

Tel.: 24-23-32, Fax: 22-76-46, GSM: 069151088



We have faultless reputation among partners and clients and we are proud

to be professionals. We love the clients and we can guarantee them

an individual approach, all-round attention and care,

and also confidentiality and safety of spent transactions.

We offer the clients all spectrum of the services existing in the market

of the real estate:

Rent of apartments and houses,

the Secondary market of habitation,

the Country real estate,

the Commercial real estate,

Sale of apartments in new buildings,

Elite habitation,

the Licensed estimation.

Firm and main principles of work of the company:

- an individual approach to each client

- professionalism in work

- a combination of growth and stability in the development

- safety, reliability in selection of business partners

and in a choice of investment projects.

Daca aveti greutati in cautarea apartamentului, oficiului, casei atunci vi se propun toate tipurile de apartamemte, case care raspund dorintelor dumneavoastra.

Noi vom depune eforturi maxime, cunostinta particularitatilor locale si experienta noastra profesionalapentru a va ajuta sa va rezolvati problemele.

Dvs aveti in plan sa vizitati Moldova, dar nu stiti unde sa va opriti? Noi suntem intotdeauna la dispozitia dumneavoastra si suntem gata sa va ajutam sa faceti alegerea corecta. Exista un sir de variante de trai pe care noi vi le putem oferi, si fiecare are plusurile sale. Orice ati allege, veti primi toata informatia dorita despre acel loc unde ati hotarit sa va opriti.

O posibilitate buna sa economisiti banii si sa luati in arenda un apartament sau o casa comoda. Sunteti un mare amator al comfortului? Noi dispunem de o mare baza de date despre apartamente comfortabile absolut mobilate care sunt gata sa va primeasca.



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